
How to Store Water for an Emergency

How to Store Water for an Emergency

Climatic changes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters can leave people without running water, or with running water that is unhealthy to drink or use. Supply lines are disrupted in certain situations, which makes it impossible for people to get clean water and losing access to our everyday water supply. Therefore, making yourself ready for emergency

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Natural Sources of Water For Survival

Natural Sources of Water For Survival

In a disaster, one of the first things that you need to secure for your family’s survival is a fresh source of water. There are five sources of freshwater – Lakes, Rains, Ponds, Wells, and Glaciers. Just 3.5 percent of Earth’s water is fresh—that is, with few salts in it. You can find Earth’s freshwater

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Fresh source of water

A great new source of fresh water!

If you are smart and preparing for that “what if” situation, you will want to get your hands on a source of fresh, clean water for your family. A company recently announced a product called the WaterSeer and basically what it does is pulls water out of thin air. It’s a low-maintenance solution that doesn’t

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What are the best fruit trees to plant?

While you need a variety of food sources to maintain a happy, healthy life, you are going to have to be realistic. You can’t plant 23 different types of farms. That’s why you shouldn’t discount fruit trees. A fruit tree will produce food, take up less space, and require less maintenance than a full-blown garden. That’s

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Does water expire?

You’ve probably never noticed it before, but your bottled water has an expiration date. But what does that mean, exactly? Does water go bad over time? Water doesn’t contain sugars or proteins, so microbes don’t consume and rot it, Discovery’s DNews explains in a new video. Long story short, no water does not expire. But the

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